一、心怀浪漫宇宙,也珍惜人间日常。早安! the heart of the romantic universe, but also cherish the daily life. Good morning! 二、纵有疾风来,人生不言弃,去做最酷的自己,可以微弱,但要有光! even if the wind comes, life does not give up, to do the coolest yourself, can be weak, but to have light!
三、做向日葵一样温暖的人,纵是风雨不断,也要昂首向阳,努力生长,早上好! do sunflower as warm people, even if the wind and rain constantly, also want to head up to the sun, strive to grow, good morning! 四、生活从来不会刻意亏欠谁,它给了你一块阴影,必会在不远的地方撒下阳光。早安! life never deliberately owe who, it gave you a shadow, will be not far away to spread the sun. Good morning!
五、再长的路,一步一步也能走完;再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。早安! then a long way, step by step can also be finished; No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without stepping on your feet. Good morning! 六、不是井里没有水,而是你挖的不够深。不是成功来得慢,而是你努力的不够多。 It's not that there is no water in the well, it's that you haven't dug deep enough. It's not that success comes slowly, it's that you don't try hard enough.
七、去完成不论大小的梦想 ,生活应该是美好而又温柔的, 你也是。 To achieve no matter the size of the dream, life should be beautiful and gentle, you are also. 八、带着阳光出发,去遇见温暖;带着微笑前行,去遇见幸福,所有美好的不期而遇,都在路上。 set out with the sun, to meet the warmth; Walk with a smile, to meet happiness, all the good things happen, are on the way.
九、无论你活成什么样子,都会有人对你说三道四,让自己不断变强,就是最好的蔑视。早安! no matter what you live like, there will be people to you say three four, let yourself constantly become stronger, is the best contempt. Good morning! 十、一生很快,每一天都值得开心,值得好好活着,不为事烦,不为情忧,一切学着从简,一切学着顺其自然便好,早安。 life is very fast, every day is worth happy, worth living, not to worry about things, not to worry about feelings, everything learn to be simple, everything learn to let nature take its course, good morning.
十一、生活就是一只看不见的储蓄罐,你投入的每一份努力都不会白费。 Life is an invisible piggy bank, every effort you put into it will not be in vain. 十二、愿我们都能从“差一点”的遗憾中,找到成长的方向,最终收获一个“刚刚好”的惊喜。 Wish we can find the direction of growth from the regret of “almost”, and finally harvest a “just right” surprise.
十三、不管你被贴上什么标签,只有你才能定义自己。 No matter what label you are given, only you can define yourself. 十四、整理一下自己的心情,忘记那些不愉快的往事,听听音乐,看看风景,说能说的话,做可做的事,走该走的路,见想见的人。 Tidy up your mood, forget the unhappy past, listen to music, see the scenery, say what can be said, do what can be done, go the way to go, see the people you want to see.
十五、珍惜身边的幸福,欣赏自己的拥有,背不动的就放下,伤不起的就看淡,想不通的就丢开,恨不过的就抚平。人生本来就不易,生命本来就不长,何必用无谓的烦恼,作践自己,伤害岁月。 Cherish the happiness around, appreciate their own, back not to put down, hurt can not afford to see light, think impassable to throw away, hate but heal. Life is not easy, life is not long, why use meaningless trouble, humiliate yourself, hurt the years. 十六、拒绝虚假努力,每天进步一点点。走得慢没关系,只要在走。早安! Refuse to make false efforts and make progress every day. It doesn't matter if you walk slowly, as long as you walk. Good morning!
十七、快乐的意义大概在于:明知道世事的好坏参半、却依然选择热爱!愿你有酒有肉日复日,无风无雨年复年。早安! The meaning of happiness is probably: know the mixed blessing of the world, but still choose to love! May you have wine and meat day after day, no wind and no rain year after year. Good morning! |
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