一、努力成为一个更平和的人,不被情绪引导,哪怕世事浮躁。 try to be a more peaceful person, not to be guided by emotions, even when things are fickle. 二、长大了,总有那么一两次,你会为重视的人奔跑,因为是对的人,走路真的来不及。 grow up, there are always once or twice, you will run for the importance of the people, because is the right person, walk really too late.
三、忙忙碌碌的每一天,争取把平凡变优秀,然后把优秀变习惯 。 busy every day, strive to ordinary into good, and then the good habit. 四、懂得欣赏自己的生活,才能让自己活得更加随性、自在。余生,做好自己,不解释! to appreciate their own life, in order to make their own life more casual, comfortable. For the rest of your life, be yourself and not explain!
五、与其把自己的一生浪费在与不值得的事情纠缠上,不如立刻前行,不纠缠,不懊悔,不回头。 it is better to go on at once, without entanglement, without regret, without looking back than to waste your life on something that is not worth it. 六、不要高估你和任何人的关系,也不要低估自己独自前行的能力。余生很贵,别和“不值得”纠缠。 Don't overestimate your relationship with anyone, and don't underestimate your ability to go it alone. The rest of your life is expensive. Don't argue that it's not worth it.
七、增强自信最佳办法,是努力工作,争取成绩,发挥潜力。受赞美是要付出代价的。 The best way to enhance self-confidence is to work hard, strive for results, and give full play to potential. There is a price to be paid for being praised. 八、你得到的都是努力争取来的,失去的都是不曾真正拥有的。想通这一点,也就没什么好不甘心了。 You get is to strive for, lost is never really have. If you think of it, there's nothing to be reconciled to.
九、倘若没有过度的欢喜,便不会有极度的悲伤。——《人间失格》 There is no excess of sorrow, but excess of joy. “-- The Disqualification of Man 十、外面不像你想的那么好,风雨都要自己挡,愿每个独自走夜路的你,都足够坚强。 the outside is not as good as you think, the wind and rain to their own, may each walk alone at night you, are strong enough.
十一、不要听一个人对你说了什么,要看他为你做了什么,永远都不要被廉价的语言而感动,毕竟那都是不需要成本的。 don't listen to what a person said to you, to see what he has done for you, never be moved by cheap language, after all, it does not cost. 十二、退一步乳腺增生,忍一忍软巢囊肿。骂一顿海阔天空,打一顿延年益寿。好好活着不好吗?干嘛要忍气吞声? Step back mammary gland hyperplasia, endure a soft nest cyst. Scold a broad sky, dozen a long life. Isn't it good to live well? Why should I swallow my pride?
十三、有些人不必强留,有些关系也不必强求。要接受任何人的渐行渐远,也要接受任何人的分道扬镳。 Some people do not have to stay, some relationships do not have to be forced. To accept anyone's fading away, but also to accept anyone's parting. 十四、别人说两句就急着跳脚,多半是内心还不够笃定。内心丰盈的人,活在自己心里,而不是活在别人嘴里。 others say a few words are eager to jump foot, most is the heart is not sure enough. A man with plenty of heart lives in his own heart, not in the mouth of others.
十五、没有人会输给命运,所有人都是输给了自己! No one will lose to fate, everyone is lost to their own! 十六、人的脆弱和坚强都超乎自己的想象。有时,我可能脆弱得一句话就泪流满面,有时,也发现自己咬着牙走了很长的路。—— 莫泊桑 《一生》 People are fragile and strong beyond their imagination. Sometimes, I may be so weak that I burst into tears at a word. Sometimes, I also find myself walking a long way through clenched teeth. -- Maupassant, A Lifetime |
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