一、别为难自己,活得像你自己就行了。--东野圭吾 don't embarrass yourself, live like yourself. -- Keigo Higashino 二、放空的心,是最好的礼物,独走的路,是最美的风景。 empty heart, is the best gift, walk alone, is the most beautiful scenery.
三、喜欢就买,胖了就减,不爱就走,全力以赴,你会很酷。 like to buy, fat to lose, do not love to go, go all out, you will be very cool. 四、心软的时候,什么都可以原谅;心硬的时候,老子就是全世界。 when the heart is soft, what can be forgiven; When the heart is hard, I am the world.
五、爱是束缚,不爱才是解脱。当有人离开了你,请放自己一条生路。 Love is bondage, not love is liberation. When someone leaves you, please give yourself a chance to live. 六、活着就意味着必须要做点什么,请好好努力。努力的最大意义,是让自己随时有能力跳出自己厌恶的圈子。 To be alive means to do something, please work hard. The biggest significance of efforts, is to let oneself have the ability to jump out of their own disgust circle at any time.
Age is never a scale to measure a person, only the superposition of responsibilities will let a person grow up gradually. 八、你现在所遭遇的每一个不幸,都来自一个不肯努力的曾经。——扶南 you now encounter every misfortune, all come from a refused to work hard once. - helps south
九、每个人的性格中,都有某些无法让人接受的部分,再美好的人也一样,所以不要苛求别人,不要埋怨自己,玫瑰有刺,因为是玫瑰。 everyone's character, there are some can not be accepted, and then the beautiful people are also the same, so don't be demanding of others, don't complain about yourself, a rose has a thorn, because it is a rose. 十、所谓成长恰恰就是这么回事,就是人们同孤独抗争、受伤、失落、失去,却又要活下去。 the so-called growth is just such a thing, is that people struggle with loneliness, hurt, lost, lost, but still want to live.
十一、世界上有两种长大的方式,一种是明白了,一种是忘记了明白不了的,心中了无牵挂。所有人都用后一种方式长大。 There are two ways to grow up in the world, one is to understand, one is to forget not to understand, no care in the heart. Everyone grows up the latter way. 十二、相爱需要真诚,争执需要沟通,生气需要冷静,指责需要谅解,过日子需要包容。 Love needs sincerity, dispute needs communication, anger needs calm, blame needs understanding, life needs tolerance.
十三、半杯水之所以叫你不舒服,因为你弄不清,它是无力斟满,还是剩下的。—— 冯骥才 half a glass of water makes you uncomfortable, because you don't know, it is not enough to fill, or left. - feng jincai 十四、别人再风光,你指望不上,眼前再狼藉,不得不继续!没人扶你的时候,要自己站直,没人帮你的时候,要自己努力。 others scenery, you can not expect on, in front of the mess again, have to continue! Stand up straight when no one is helping you, and try your best when no one is helping you.
十五、要与众不同,要喜上眉梢,要花好月圆,要波澜不惊。熬到一定年纪才懂,你要得起的,只是兀自春夏,囫囵秋冬。相信自己,只要你足够勇敢,没有熬不过的艰难。 to be different, to be happy, to spend a full moon, to be calm. Until you reach a certain age, you will get up and bolt the autumn and summer together. Believe in yourself, as long as you are brave enough, not too difficult. 十六、若是有缘,时间空间都不是距离;若是无缘,近在眼前也无法合意。若总被忽视,又何必作贱了自己;若不被珍惜,又何必苦苦去维系。 If fate, time and space are not distance; If it is not, it is not acceptable in the near future. If always ignored, why do they become cheap; If not cherished, why go to maintain. |
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