一、日子总是有意思的,了无生趣的是打不起精神的你。 the day is always interesting, boring is the spirit of you. 二、每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有伤悲,人总有一段时间要学会自己长大。 everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness for you, people always have a period of time to learn to grow up.
三、努力和上进,不是为了做给别人看,是为了不辜负自己,不辜负此生。 efforts and progress, not to do to others, is to live up to their own, live up to this life. 四、那些你走过的路,爱过的人,读过的书,没有一样是无用的,它们都藏在你的气质里。 those you have walked the road, loved the people, read the book, nothing is useless, they are hidden in your temperament.
五、做个安静的人,自由不放荡,自爱不腐朽,隐忍不放纵,克制不压抑,知人不评人。 do a quiet person, freedom is not dissipated, self-love is not decadent, forbearance is not indulgent, restraint is not inhibited, don't judge people. 六、命运要你成长的时候,总会安排一些让你不顺心的人或事刺激你。这是规律。 When fate wants you to grow up, there will always be some people or things that make you unhappy to stimulate you. That's the rule.
七、每一个平淡的日子都值得尊重,每一个还在身边的人都应该珍惜,愿你眼里有星辰,身边有微风,心中有暖阳。 every plain day is worthy of respect, everyone is still around the people should cherish, may you have the stars in the eyes, around the breeze, the heart of the warm sun. 八、走错了路要记得回头,爱错了人要懂得放手。你装作刀枪不入的样子,就要做好万箭穿心的准备。 Take a wrong road to remember to look back, love the wrong people to know how to let go. You pretend to be invulnerable, so be prepared to let thousands of arrows Pierce your heart.
九、遇事不要轻易动怒,否则会被人说成是情商低,脸上挂着笑心里默念你大爷就好。 it is not easy to get angry, otherwise it will be said to be low eq, smiling on the face of the heart silently read your uncle. 十、余生没那么长,不用一味的付出,去惯得寸进尺的人,请忠于自己,活得像最初的模样。 the rest of my life is not so long, don't blindly pay, to indulge indomitive people, please be loyal to yourself, live like the first appearance.
十一、支撑一个人走完漫长一生的,是喜爱、擅长与心甘情愿。 Support a person to go through a long life, is love, good at and willing. 十二、当你学会拒绝别人,学会以牙还牙时,他们反而会尊重你,甚至敬畏你,无情一点并没有错。 When you learn to refuse others, learn to tit for tat, they will respect you, even fear you, there is nothing wrong with being ruthless.
to be a person of interest is really too important,
so that neither embarrass others,
also won't let oneself embarrassed,
it is all happy.
十四、比加油这个词,再温暖一点的就是:无论最后的结果好坏,记得我始终都在。 Than refueling this word, a little warmer is: no matter the final result is good or bad, remember I always in.
十五、到了一定年纪就会发觉,不愿再给自己贴上“好人”标签,也不愿伪装自己成别人喜欢的样子,取悦自己,才是最重要的事。 to a certain age will find, do not want to label themselves “good”, also do not want to disguise themselves as others like the appearance, please yourself, is the most important thing. 十六、趁年轻,余额不足可以挣,电量不足可以充,时间匆匆不再回来,趁年轻就去多付出,不攀比,不抱怨,不计较,多付出,因为有一种努力叫靠自己! while young, insufficient balance can be earned, electricity can be charged, time no longer rush back, while young to pay more, do not compare, do not complain, do not care, pay more, because there is a kind of effort to call on your own! |
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