一、安静努力,不必声张,前方有好人,有惊喜,有久违的感动。 quiet efforts, do not have to voice, in front of the good man, there are surprises, there is a long time moved. 二、生活不全是沮丧,还有小饭馆的美食,拐角处的猫咪,甜甜的西瓜,打起精神,生活就是惊喜啊。 Life isn't all depression, there's the food at the greasy spoon, the cat on the corner, the sweet watermelon, cheer up, life is a surprise.
三、做喜欢的事情,奔赴真实简单的生活,是是非非总是少不了,闲言碎语平常心就好,毕竟日子是自己的。 do like things, rushed to the real simple life, yes or no is always little, gossip is good, after all, the day is their own. 四、这世上除了父母,再没有人会无缘无故对自己好,所以当有人对自己好时,关心自己的喜怒哀乐时,会为自己辗转反侧时,都是值得珍惜的美好。 In this world, except parents, there is no one will be good to yourself for no reason, so when someone is good to yourself, when you are concerned about your happiness, sorrow and happiness, when you toss and turn for yourself, it is worth cherishing the beautiful.
五、不要贪恋没意义的人和事,拎着垃圾的手怎么腾地出来接礼物。 don't love meaningless people and things, carrying garbage hand how to make space out to receive gifts. 六、有些事情,要等到你渐渐清醒了,才懂得它是个错误;有些东西,要等到你真正放下了,也许才知道它的沉重。 Some things, until you gradually sober, to understand it is a mistake; Some things, until you really put down, maybe just know its heavy.
七、你备胎无数,你感情不断。并不是因为你很迷人,而是你廉价又百搭。 you have countless spare tire, you constantly feeling. Not because you're attractive, but because you're cheap and versatile. 八、好吃的东西放在肚子里,可爱的人放在心里,有趣的地方要和可爱的人一起去。 delicious things in the stomach, lovely people in the heart, interesting places to go with lovely people.
九、生活就是哄自己,把自己劝明白,什么都解决了。 life is coax oneself, persuade oneself to understand, what all solved. 十、知世故而不世故,以淡然之心处世,让生活多一点从容随心,多一些惬意潇洒。 Know the world but not the world, to indifferent heart, let the life more leisurely heart, more comfortable chic.
十一、无论怎么样,一个人借故堕落总是不值得原谅的,越是没有人爱,越要爱自己。——亦舒 No matter how, an excuse to fall is not worth forgiving, the more no one loves, the more to love yourself. - will relieve 十二、每个人都有属于自己的一片森林,迷失的人迷失了,相逢的人会再相逢。 everyone has their own piece of forest, lost people lost, meet people will meet again.
十三、不管前方的路有多苦,只要走的方向正确,不管多么崎岖不平,都比站在原地更接近幸福。——宫崎骏 No matter how bitter the road ahead, as long as the right direction, no matter how rugged, are closer to happiness than standing in the same place. -- hayao miyazaki 十四、别跟三观不一致的人争执,别向不关心你的人诉苦,别对不喜欢自己的人讨好。 Don't argue with those who don't agree with you, don't complain to those who don't care about you, don't please those who don't like themselves.
十五、适当的降低点期望值吧,生活也就那样,天不从人愿,事不从人心。 Appropriately lower expectations, life is like that, the day is not from the will of people, things are not from the heart. 十六、要做的事情就安安静静的做,不要到处宣扬自己的想法。值不值得,时间是最好的证明,自己的人生,得自己负责。 Do things quietly, don't spread your ideas everywhere. Is it worth it, time is the best proof, their own life, to be responsible for their own. |
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