一、热血一定要洒在它该洒的地方,否则它就**血。 the hot blood must be sprinkled in its place, or it is called chicken blood. 二、民谣很文艺 ,可小酒馆里的酒并不便宜 ,就像是我们稍不努力 ,就连情怀都养不起。 folk songs are very artistic, but the wine in the bistro is not cheap, like we do not work hard, even the feelings can not afford to keep.
三、一个人最大的魅力:骨子里有坚强 ,言行中有教养 ,交往中有包容 ,心底里有善良。 the biggest charm of a person: there is a strong in the bone, in words and deeds have education, communication has tolerance, there is kindness in the heart. 四、凡事顺其自然一点,很多时候你越刻意越不如你意。 everything let nature take its course, a lot of times you more deliberately more not as good as you.
五、清醒时做事,糊涂时读书,大怒时睡觉,独处时思考。 Work when awake, read when confused, sleep when angry, think when alone. 六、人长大以后,有了自己的思想和三观,一切过程和结果,都是与自己博弈。自己想通了,全世界都会绕路。自己画地为牢,便会万劫不复。真的,一定要心大,一定要想得开,一定要放过自己 。 When people grow up, they have their own thoughts and three views. All the processes and results are games with themselves. If you think it through, the whole world will take a detour. He who makes his house secure will never be found again. Really, must be big heart, must think, must let go of their own.
七、多要求自己,你会更加独立,少要求别人,你会减少失望。 By asking more of yourself, you will be more independent; by asking less of others, you will be less disappointed. 八、世上没有什么是一成不变的,走运和倒霉都不可能一直持续下去。 Nothing in the world is set in stone, and neither good nor bad luck can last forever.
九、其实了解一个人并不代表什么,人是会变的,今天他喜欢凤梨,明天他可以喜欢别的。 In fact, to know a person does not mean anything, people will change, today he likes pineapple, tomorrow he can like something else. 十、自信的人,不是因为活成了最优秀的样子,而是因为拥抱了最真实的自己。 confident people, not because of living the best appearance, but because of the embrace of the most true yourself.
In childhood, smile is a natural emotion, later, smile is unknown mask. 十二、人生总是这样,你想要的东西总要到你不再指望的那一刻,才姗姗来迟。所以你别急,你要等。 Life is always like this, you want something to you no longer count on the moment, just come late. So don't worry, you have to wait.
十三、一辈子不长,用心甘情愿的态度,过好咱下半辈子的平凡生活。 A lifetime is not long, with a willing attitude, live the rest of my life is ordinary life. 十四、你不快乐,是因为你没有好好爱自己,且常常因为别人,而消耗着自己。 You are not happy, because you do not love yourself well, and often because of others, and consume themselves.
十五、好好去爱,去生活,每天的太阳都是新的,不要辜负了美好的时光。把所有不快给昨天,把所有努力给今天。 To love, to live, every day the sun is new, don't live up to the good times. Give all your unhappiness to yesterday, and all your efforts to today. 十六、世上只有该结婚的感情,没有该结婚的年龄,什么事情都可以将就,只有结婚这件事情没办法将就。因为你要的不是一张证书,你要的是结婚后的一种生活。从结婚到老,你有足足几十年的人生。哪一天,都没办法面对一个将就的人。所以,人生就是,宁可孤单,也不将就。 the world only the feelings of marriage, there is no age to get married, what things can be settled, only get married this thing can not settle. Because what you want is not a certificate, but a life after marriage. You have decades to live from marriage to old age. Which day, can not face a compromise of people. So, life is, would rather be alone, but also not compromise.
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