一、生活本来就挺不容易的,希望老天就别再瞎安排什么烂缘分了。 Life is not easy, I hope god don't arrange any bad fate. 二、本事不大,脾气就不要太大,否则你会很麻烦。能力不大,欲望就不要太大,否则你会很痛苦。 If you don't have the ability, don't get too angry, or you'll be in trouble. If you don't have much power, don't want too much, or you will suffer.
三、你对生活有好奇,生活才会对你有兴趣。 If you are curious about life, life will be interested in you. 四、开心有时也很容易啊,比如刚到车站车就来了,随机播放正好是最近喜欢的歌,还有今天的风真舒服。 Happy sometimes also very easy, such as just arrived at the station bus came, random play is just the latest favorite song, and today's wind is really comfortable.
五、该来的总是姗姗来迟,想走的总是迫不及待。 The one who should come is always late, the one who wants to go is always impatient. 六、一万个美丽的未来,抵不上一个温暖的现在;每一个真实的现在,都是我们曾经幻想的未来。 Ten thousand beautiful future, not worth a warm now; Every real present is the future we once imagined.
七、如果快乐是一种本领的话,那我希望你是那个最厉害的人。 If happiness is a kind of ability, then I hope you are the most powerful person. 八、没必要着急,若是注定要发生的事,它一定会发生,在合适的时机,和对的人在一起,因为一个恰当的理由。 There's no need to rush. If something is meant to happen, it will happen, at the right time, with the right person, for the right reason.
九、人的眼睛是黑的,心是红的,但有时眼睛一红,心就黑了。 People's eyes are black, the heart is red, but sometimes the eyes are red, the heart is black. 十、其实,多数情况下,时间并不会真的帮我们解决什么问题,它只是把原来你爱较劲的那些问题,变得不再重要了。 In most cases, time doesn't really help us solve any problems. It just takes away the importance of the problems that you were struggling with.
十一、把爱情投资在一个人身上,冒险;把爱情投资在许多人身上,危险。 Invest your love in a person, take a risk; It is dangerous to invest love in many people. 十二、事情越抹越黑,如果一个人非得要误会你,你越解释反而显得心虚。对必要的人做必要的解释,对不必要的人,随他去。 If a person must misunderstand you, the more you explain it, the more guilty you appear. Give necessary explanations to those who need them, and leave them to those who need not.
十三、愿今后无悲,拥星河之璀,享日月之辉。 May the future be without sorrow, embracing the sky and the moon and the sun. 十四、将生活嚼得有滋有味,把日子过得活色生香,往往靠的不只是嘴巴,还要有一颗浸透人间烟火的心。 To chew the life with relish and make the day live with fragrance often depends not only on the mouth, but also on a heart saturated with human fireworks.
十五、人通常在三种情况下会说出真心话:离别之前,绝望之时,醉酒之后。 There are three situations in which one usually speaks the truth: before parting, in despair, and after drunkenness. 十六、现在让你难过的事情,许久回过头来看都会觉得那不算事,你之所以会把痛苦看得那么重,是因为你经历得不够多。 The things that make you sad right now don't seem like such a big deal when you look back on them for a long time. The reason you take the pain so seriously is because you haven't experienced it enough. |
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