一、无论在世界什么地方,钱,永远都是最有效、最直接的通行证。 No matter where in the world, money is always the most effective and direct passport. 二、人一旦有了依赖,就变成了幼儿园等人来接的小朋友。 Once people have to rely on, it will become the kindergarten and others to pick up the children.
三、当你不够强大时,你发的一切飚,在别人看来都只是个笑话。 When you are not strong enough, everything you do is just a joke in the eyes of others. 四、人在的时候,以为来日方长什么都有机会,其实人生是减法,见一面,少一面。 People in the time, think that the future everything has a chance, in fact, life is subtraction, see one side, less one side.
Cheer up, you'll be someone else's treasure sooner or later. 六、更多的时候,身边没有舒服的沙发,没有啤酒,没有朋友,没有可聊的陌生人,也没有爱的人,没信念,没热情,一无所有。 Most of the time, there is no comfortable sofa, no beer, no friends, no strangers to talk about, no love, no faith, no enthusiasm, nothing.
七、在你还不够强大时,你只能学会和你讨厌的人相处,这是现实! When you are not strong enough, you can only learn to get along with the people you hate, this is the reality! 八、如果你向上帝求助,说明你相信上帝的能力;如果上帝没有帮助你,说明上帝相信你的能力。 If you ask God for help, show that you believe in His power. If God doesn't help you, god trusts in your ability.
九、这世间所有的好,总结起来,也不过“如愿以偿”四个字。 All the good in the world, summed up, but also “get what you want” four words. 十、想见你的人,24小时都有空;想帮助你的人,再难也会想尽一切办法帮你!记住:喜欢你的人,你怎么样都行,不喜欢你的人,你怎么样都不行。 Anyone who wants to see you is free 2四、 hours a day. Want to help you, again difficult also will try every means to help you! Remember: you can do whatever you like for the one who likes you, and nothing for the one who doesn't like you.
十一、女人魅力不够才会觉得男人花心,男人实力太差才会觉得女人现实! A woman's charm is not enough to feel a man, a man's strength is too poor to feel a woman reality! 十二、所有人和事,自己问心无愧就好,不是你的也别强求,反正离去的,都是风景,留下的,才是人生。 All people and things, oneself have a clear conscience is good, not your also don't insist, anyway leave, is the scenery, leaving, is life.
十三、生活不是这样就是那样,总之,不会是你想的那样。 Life is either this or that. In short, it won't be what you think. 十四、把圈子变小,把语言变干净,把成绩往上提,把故事往心里收一收,现在想要的以后都会有。 Make the circle smaller, make the language cleaner, make the grades higher, take the story to heart, what you want now will have in the future.
十五、别随便嫌一个女生幼稚,她要是不喜欢你,比你妈都成熟。 Don't treat a girl as childish, if she doesn't like you, she is more mature than your mother. 十六、敌人变成朋友,就比朋友更可靠,朋友变成敌人,比敌人更危险。有些事知道了就好,不必多说。有些人认识了就好,不必深交。 Enemies become friends, more reliable than friends, friends become enemies, more dangerous than enemies. It is good to know some things, not to mention. It's good to know some people, but you don't need to know them. |