一、赚钱,能治愈一切矫情,有钱,能治愈一切自卑。 Money, can cure all melodramatic, money, can cure all low self-esteem. 二、人性薄凉,用你的时候有多热情,不用你的时候就有多冷淡! Human nature is thin and cool, how warm you are, how cold you are when you are not used!
三、丧太简单了,顶着一切依旧热爱生活才是真的酷。 Bereavement is so simple. Loving life despite everything is really cool. 四、大多数时候,消耗你能量的都不是工作,而是工作中遇到的人。干活本身是不累的,平衡情绪最累。 Most of the time, it's not the work that drains your energy, it's the people you meet at work. Work itself is not tiring, but balancing emotions is the most tiring.
五、大概没去过的地方都叫远方,没得到的人都比较难忘。 Probably has not been to the place is called the distance, did not get the people are more memorable. 六、纯粹一点,幸运一点,俗气得晚一点,做无趣的成年人里面,稍微有趣那么一点点的人。 A little bit more pure, a little bit more lucky, a little bit more tacky, a little bit more boring adults, a little bit more interesting.
七、人总是吃肉的时候说肉香,刷碗的时候骂碗脏。 People always say meat tastes good when they eat meat, and curse the dirty dishes when they wash the dishes. 八、人不该太清醒,过去的事情就让它过去,不必反复咀嚼。一生不长,重要的事儿也没那么多。天亮了,又赚了。 People should not be too sober, the past things let it in the past, do not have to chew. Life is not long, and there are not so many important things. The day dawned and I made money again.
九、怕什么岁月漫长,你心地善良,总有人陪你骑马喝酒走四方。 Afraid of what years long, you are kind, there is always someone to accompany you to ride and drink everywhere. 十、长大后才知道,“尽量不给别人添麻烦,别人最好也别麻烦我。”这句话不是冷漠,而是成熟。 As an adult, I learned, “Try not to make trouble for others, and they'd better not bother me.” This sentence is not indifferent, but mature.
If you can't learn to be shameless,
then you will learn how to endure others' shameless.
十二、在一件事没有成功之前,最好不要在别人面前谈及任何有关的计划和想法,免于日后成为别人口中的谈资。 It is best not to share any plans or ideas with others until they have succeeded, so that they will not be talked about in the future.
十三、人生最遗憾的,莫过于轻易地放弃了不该放弃的,固执地坚持了不该坚持的。 The most regrettable in life, than easily give up shouldn't give up, stubbornly insist shouldn't insist. 十四、凡遇事,知道的不要全说,听到的不要全信,听到的就地消化,这样生活才会安宁。 Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear, and digest what you hear, and you will live in peace.
十五、有人宠你是惊喜,自己宠自己是能力,往后余生,愿你有能力,也有惊喜。 When someone spoils you, it is a surprise. When you spoil yourself, it is a power. For the rest of your life, May you have the power and also the surprise. 十六、你大可不必担心自己努力了,会不会不优秀。你要担心的是:比你优秀的人还比你更努力。 You don't have to worry about your efforts, will not be excellent. Here's what you have to worry about: people who are better than you are working harder than you.
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