一、生活信条:不要想太多,开心第一。 Life motto: Don't think too much, be happy first. 二、以后想要的生活,安静,自在,笑声,简约,有品。 The life that wants later, quiet, comfortable, laugh, contracted, have tasted.
Learn to take charge of your life; Even being alone is not such a bad situation.
四、世界上有两种长大的方式,一种是明白了,一种是忘记了明白不了的,心中了无牵挂。所有人都用后一种方式长大。 There are two ways to grow up in the world, one is to understand, one is to forget not to understand, the heart is unconcerned. Everyone grows up the latter way.
五、无论对谁太过热情,就增加了不被珍惜的概率。倘若没有过度的欢喜,便不会有极度的悲伤。 No matter who you are too enthusiastic about, you increase the probability of not being appreciated. There is no extreme sorrow, but there is no excess of joy. 六、小时候一直不理解,父母为什么可以那么早起床,长大后才明白,叫醒他们的不是闹钟,而是生活和责任! When I was young, I did not understand why my parents could get up so early. When I grew up, I realized that what woke them up was not the alarm clock, but life and responsibility!
七、通常是聪明人生笨蛋的气,爱干净的人生不爱干净的人的气,负责任的人生不负责任的人的气。期待越多就越常生气。想开点,别和自己过不去。 Usually is the smart life fool's gas, love clean life not clean people's gas, responsible life irresponsible people's gas. The more you expect, the more you'll get angry. Take it easy. Don't make it hard on yourself. 八、别人稍一注意你,你就敞开心扉,你觉得这是坦率,其实这是孤独。 As soon as other people notice you, you open up. You think this is frankness, but actually it is loneliness.
九、得不到回应的热情你要懂得适可而止 ,当别人不需要你的时候你要学会自己走开, 多一点自知之明, 少一点自作多情 ,愿我们都是自己的摆渡人。 When people don't need you, you should learn to walk away. More self-knowledge, less self-love. May we all be our ferries. 十、一个人的自愈的能力越强,才越有可能接近幸福 。做一个寡言,却心有一片海的人,不伤人害己,于淡泊中,平和自在 。 The more self-healing a person is, the more likely he is to approach happiness. Do a silent, but the heart has a sea of people, do not hurt yourself, indifferent, calm and comfortable.
十一、世态人情,可作书读,可当戏看。 The world can be read as a book and watched as a play. 十二、闭上眼睛,安静内心告诉自己。别人想什么,我们控制不了;别人做什么,我们也强求不了。唯一可以做的,就是尽心尽力做好自己的事,走自己的路,按自己的原则,好好生活。即使有人亏待了你,时间也不会亏待你,人生更加不会亏待你。 Close your eyes and be quiet and tell yourself. We can't control what other people think; We can't force others to do anything. The only thing to do is to do your best, to follow your own path, to live by your own principles. Even if someone treats you badly, time will not treat you badly, life will not treat you badly.
十三、命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求。 Life must have some time, life without time do not force. 十四、离开一个地方,风景就不再属于你;错过一个人,那人便再与你无关。 Leave a place, the scenery no longer belongs to you; Miss a person, that person will have nothing to do with you.
十五、谁不是一边受伤一边成长,谁不是一面流泪一面坚强,人生说到底就是难言的苦痛自己扛,落下的风雨要自己挡 。 Who is not injured while growing up, who is not a side of tears while a strong, life in the final analysis is unspeakable pain themselves carry, fall of the wind and rain to their own block. 十六、往后余生,愿我无坚不摧,愿我百毒不侵,愿我刀枪不入,愿我狼心狗肺,愿我逍遥快活。 In the rest of my life, May I be indestructible, may I poison not attack, may I invulnerability, may I Wolf heart lung, may I be happy. |
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