一、知世故而不世故,擅自嘲而不嘲人,爱人爱己,豁达乐观。 Knowing the world without the world, presumptively laugh at others without laughing at them, love yourself, open-minded and optimistic. 二、永远不要去责怪你人生里的任何人。好的人给你快乐,坏的人给你经历,最差的人给你教训,最好的人给你回忆。 Never blame anyone in your life. The good people give you happiness, the bad people give you experience, the worst people give you lessons, the best people give you memories.
三、记性太好,有时候是一种负担。容易忘记往事的人,是幸福的。 Too good a memory, sometimes a burden. Easy to forget the past, is happy. 四、少想没用的事,少理无所谓的人,让自己忙起来,多去挣点钱。最大的人生目标,就是让爸妈过得更好。 Think less of useless things, less of the indifferent people, let yourself busy, to earn more money. My biggest goal in life is to make life better for my parents.
五、世界上所有的惊喜和好运,都是你累积的温柔和善良,做一个温柔纯良且内心强大的人,温暖自己,也照亮别人。 All the surprises and good fortune in the world are your accumulated gentleness and kindness. Be a gentle, pure and strong person, warm yourself and enlighten others. 六、人生就像一本书,傻瓜们走马看花随手翻阅它,聪明的人用心地阅读它。因为他知道这本书只能读一次。 Life is like a book, which fools browse and wise men read with care. Because he knew he could only read the book once.
七、若总被忽视,又何必作贱了自己;若不被珍惜,又何必苦苦去维系。 If always ignored, why do they become cheap; If not cherished, why go to maintain. 八、其实我们努力挣的,不单单是钱,还有安全感。一夜暴富很难,所以就一点点,一天天的积累进步吧。 In fact, we work hard to earn, not only money, but also security. It's hard to get rich overnight, so take it one step at a time.
九、你表面的不屑,是因为你骨子里的不敢。——毕淑敏 Your surface disdain, because you dare not. - bi shumin 十、去见你想见的人,去做你想做的事,趁阳光正好,趁微风不噪,趁你未老。 Go see the one you want to see, do the thing you want to do, while the sun is right, while the breeze is quiet, while you are not old.
十一、成长是分两半的,一半是在上帝手中,那是宿命。另一半在自己手中,那是拼命。 Growth is divided into two halves, one half is in the hands of God, that is the fate. The other half in their own hands, that is desperately. 十二、生活一地鸡毛的时候,慢慢地把它捡起来, 做成鸡毛掸子,然后鞭策生活, 总会越来越好 。 When living a chicken feather, slowly pick it up, make a feather duster, and then spur life, always better and better.
十三、难熬的日子总会过去 ,不信你回头看看,你都已经在不知不觉中 ,熬过了很多苦难,余生很长 ,不必慌张 。 The tough days will always be over, don't believe you look back, you have been unconsciously, through a lot of suffering, the rest of your life is very long, don't panic. 十四、不要因为一点瑕疵而放弃一段坚持,没有一份工作是轻松的,没有人是完美的。耐心点,坚强点。
Don't give up a period of persistence because of a flaw. No job is easy. No one is perfect. Be patient and be strong.
十五、人生的学习,可以分为生存的学习、生活的学习和生命的学习。多数人都停留在生存的学习,结果变成赚钱的工具。 The learning of life can be divided into survival learning, life learning and life learning. Most people stay in the study of survival, which turns out to be a tool for making money. 十六、永远不要因为别人的言论而怀疑自己,也不要因为喜欢谁而看低自己。你所有的优缺点,都是为了能接纳你这个样子的人而准备的。 Never doubt yourself because of what others say, and never look down on yourself because of who you like. All of your strengths and weaknesses are geared toward accepting someone who looks like you. |
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