一、胖就少吃,困就早睡;穷就多赚,分就远离;你不拯救自己,上帝也很为难。 Fat eat less, sleepy early to bed; If you are poor, you earn more; if you divide, you stay away. God is in trouble if you don't save yourself. 二、与其装腔作势,企图影响别人,不如咬牙切齿,狠命修理自己。 Instead of putting on AIRS and trying to influence others, it's better to gnash your teeth and repair yourself.
三、总有人教你长大,但方式不值得你感谢。 Someone will teach you how to grow up, but not in a way that deserves your thanks. 四、你要记得一个真理:千万不要对还没发生的事情过分期待,也不要对没有发生的事情过分焦虑。 Remember this truth: don't expect too much of what hasn't happened yet, and don't worry too much about what hasn't.
五、不要让不好的事情毁了你这一天,乐观一点,开心一点,生命如此短暂,别浪费时间在不值一提的事情上。 Don't let bad things ruin your day. Be optimistic, be happy. Life is too short to waste time on unimportant things. 六、这个世界,对着你笑的人太多太多。真心对你包容你一切的,太少。太多的时间里,我们都是一个人,要记得,最终能治愈自己的还是自己。 The world, smiling at you too many people. Sincerely for you to tolerate everything you, too little. Too much of the time, we are a person, remember, can finally heal yourself or yourself.
七、成功就是从失败到失败,也依然不改热情。——丘吉尔 Success is going from failure to failure without changing your enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill 八、你想要的,你喜欢的,没有一件是不费力的。就像彩虹总在风雨后,所以,一定要努力吖。 Nothing you want, nothing you like, is effortless. Like the rainbow always after the wind and rain, so, must try.
九、所有人的坚强,都是柔软生的茧。——张嘉佳 All men's strength is a cocoon of softness. - jia-jia zhang 十、我的人生是我的,你的人生是你的。只要你清楚自己在寻求什么,那就尽管按自己的意愿去生活。别人怎么说与你无关。 My life is mine, your life is yours. As long as you know what you're looking for, go ahead and live your life as you wish. What others say is none of your business.
十一、人生就像一出戏,每个人都戴着面具。 Life is like a play, everyone wears a mask. 十二、成年人三大快乐法则:1.在一段关系里不索求太多,是保持快乐的法则。2.永远不要将希望寄托在别人身上。3.建议永远相信爱情,不建议相信爱情会永远。 Three rules for Adult Happiness: 1. Not asking too much in a relationship is the rule for being happy. 2. Never place your hopes in someone else. 三、 suggest always believe in love, do not suggest that love will be forever.
十三、不要为任何不爱你的人深夜买醉,既然都不爱了还老想着她干嘛,不如多花点时间经营自己,让自己变得更好,变成更加值得爱的人。 Don't buy a late-night drink for anyone who doesn't love you. Since you don't love her anymore, why not spend more time managing yourself to become a better person and more worthy of love? 十四、没人在乎你怎样在深夜痛哭,也没人在乎你辗转反侧的要熬几个秋。外人只看结果,自己独撑过程。等你明白了这个道理,便不会再在人前矫情,四处诉说以求宽慰。 No one CARES how you cry in the middle of the night, no one CARES how you toss and turn to endure the autumn. Outsiders only look at the results, their own support process. When you understand that, you won't be in front of people, crying out for comfort.
十五、并不是所有的事情都能如你所愿,只要你还愿意努力,世界总会给你惊喜。 Not everything will go as you wish, as long as you are willing to work hard, the world will always surprise you. 十六、记住要仰望星空,不要低头看脚下。无论生活如何艰难,请保持一颗好奇心。你总会找到自己的路和属于你的成功。 Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. No matter how hard life is, keep a curiosity. You will always find your own way and your own success. |
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