一、只是希望能有个人,在我说没事的时候,知道我不是真的没事;能有个人,在我强颜欢笑的时候,知道我不是真的开心。 Just hope to have a person, when I say nothing, know I am not really nothing; To have someone who knows I'm not really happy when I force a smile. 二、成年人的世界里,烦恼和忧愁都是无限量供应的。 In the adult world, trouble and sorrow are in unlimited supply.
三、孤独是人生的常态,幸好还有隔日的春色。 Loneliness is a normal part of life. Fortunately, there is spring the next day. 四、有些事,就是不值得被原谅,跟大不大度没有关系;各有各的底线,做错了,就应该考虑为自己的错误付出代价。 There are things that are unworthy of forgiveness, which have nothing to do with magnanimity; Each has its own bottom line. If you make a mistake, you should consider paying for your mistake.
五、人到一定的年龄,得学会自己撑伞,不会有人冒着大雨来接你。 People to a certain age, have to learn to open their own umbrella, no one will braving the rain to pick you up. 六、善良要有底线,大方要有原则。不分青红皂白,只知道对人好,那会辜负自己的一片好心。 Kindness should have the bottom line, generous should have the principle. Indiscriminate, only know good to people, that will disappoint their own kindness.
七、有些人虚伪是为了伤害别人,有些人虚伪是为了避免伤害。 Some people are hypocritical in order to hurt others, while others are hypocritical in order to avoid hurting others. 八、不如就承认一下,你没有想象的那么坚强,也不想那样刀枪不入,你只是想被温暖地抱一下。 As for admitting that you are not as strong as you imagined, and you don't want to be invulnerable, you just want to be hugged warmly.
九、一个怡然自得,胜过好多人百无聊赖。 One contented mind is better than many idle minds. 十、希望有个人,以后艰难险阻都陪着你,天黑有灯,下雨有伞,为你赴汤蹈火还乐此不疲。 Hope to have a person, in the future difficulties and dangers to accompany you, dark light, rain umbrella, go through fire and water for you still happy.
十一、如果被辜负,那就多吃一点吧,心和胃,总要有一个是满的。 If let down, then eat more, the heart and stomach, there must be a full. 十二、上了年纪就没有暗恋了。就算是关心谁,如果对方冷漠,就会立刻收心。 There is no secret love in old age. Even if you care about who, if the other side is cold, it will immediately stop.
十三、你还年轻,别凑合过,接下来的人生,还有万万种可能。 You are still young, don't settle, the rest of life, there are a million possibilities. 十四、情若能自控,要心有何用?余生不长,就让我们找个舒服的人,慢慢变老! If love can be controlled, what is the use of the heart? The rest of my life is not long, let us find a comfortable person, slowly grow old!
十五、别让平淡的生活耗尽你所有的向往。 Don't let the plain life exhaust all your yearning. 十六、亲爱的你,永远不要为难自己,比如不吃饭、哭泣、自闭、抑郁,这些都是傻瓜才做的事。 Dear you, never give yourself a hard time, such as not eating, crying, autism, depression, these are stupid things to do. |
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