一、一个人变得铁石心肠之前,也曾付出了全部的温柔和善意吧。 before a heart of stone, also had to pay all the tenderness and kindness. 二、没有结局的故事太多,你要习惯相遇与离别。岁月会记得,你温柔赤诚的心。 there is no ending of the story too much, you have to get used to meet and leave. Years will remember, your tender and sincere heart.
三、所得,所不得,皆不如心安理得。 get, do not get, all is not as comfortable. 四、难熬的日子总会过去,不信你回头看看你己经不知不觉中熬过了很多苦痛,很棒吧! difficult days will always be over, do not believe you look back to see you have been unconsciously through a lot of pain, very good!
五、相爱容易,因为五官;相处不易,因为三观。 love is easy, because the five senses; It is not easy to get along because of the three views. 六、希望你出现的时候,揉揉我的头,抱着我在我耳畔说,对不起,我到现在才来,让你等太久了。 hope you appear, rubbing my head, holding me in my ear said, Sorry, I just come now, let you wait too long.
七、如果你给我的,也同样给了别人,那我宁愿不要。得不到不可怕,守不住才是个笑话。 If you give me, also give others, that I would rather not. Not terrible, not to keep is a joke. 八、总有一个人,原本只是生命的过客,却成了记忆的常客;总有一份情,惊艳了你的时光,却温柔不了你的岁月。 there is always a person, originally just a traveler in life, but became a frequent memory; There is always a feeling, amazing your time, but not gentle your years.
九、得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的都有恃无恐。 can't get forever in the commotion, by the preference all have to rely on without fear. 十、那些离开你的人,无论是出于什么原因,但至少在决定要走的那一刻,他觉得没有你,他会过的更好。 Those who leave you, for whatever reason, at least at the moment they decide to go, feel better off without you.
十一、多数人悲伤,不是因为自己失去了,而是因为别人得到了。 Most people sad, not because of their own lost, but because others have. 十二、小的时候人们都讨厌平凡,可是长大后却努力地想实现平凡。以前认为理所当然的事情,现在却梦寐以求。 When I was a child, people hate the ordinary, but when They grow up, they try hard to achieve the ordinary. Things we once took for granted, now we can only dream about.
十三、很多人都对我说要照顾好自己,却从来没有人说过以后我照顾你。 Many people have said to me to take good care of yourself, but no one has ever said that I will take care of you. 十四、等不到的晚安别等了,挤不进去的世界别挤了,走不下去的路别走了,不值得爱的人也别爱了。 Don't wait for good night, crowded into the world don't crowded, don't go down the road don't go, don't love the people who don't deserve to love.
十五、没有不可治愈的伤痛,没有不能结束的沉沦。所有失去的,会以另一种方式归来。 There is no incurable pain, no can not end of the sink. All that is lost will return in another way. 十六、别急,一定会有人来爱你,是明目张胆,是深情款款,不要灰心,相信美好的爱情会发生在你身上,你需要做的就是,在等待的过程里让自己闪闪发光。 don't worry, there will be someone to love you, is flagrant, is affectionate, don't lose heart, believe that good love will happen to you, what you need to do is, in the process of waiting to let yourself shine. |
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