一、别太敏感,别太心软,过好自己,爱咋咋地。 Don't be too sensitive, don't be too soft, just be yourself and love whatever comes your way. 二、很现实的一句话:你得有足够的实力,你的原则和底线才会被人尊重。 A very realistic sentence: you have to have enough strength, your principles and bottom line will be respected.
三、别想的太远太多,做好眼前该做的事,未来才不会辜负你 。 Don't think too far too far, do what you should do in the present, the future will not disappoint you. 四、要做的事情就安安静静的做,不要到处宣扬自己的想法。值不值得,时间是最好的证明,自己的人生,得自己负责。 Do what you have to do quietly and don't spread your ideas around. Is it worth it, time is the best proof, their own life, to be responsible for their own.
五、人若是看透了自己,便不会再小看别人。 If people see through their own, they will not look down upon others. 六、外表的美只能取悦于人的眼睛,而内在的美却能感染人的灵魂。
Outward beauty can only please the eye,
but inner beauty can infect the soul.
七、爱情可以浪漫,但不要浪费;不要随便牵手,更不要随便放手。 Love can be romantic, but don't waste it; Don't just hold hands, don't just let go. 八、你要记得一个真理:千万不要对还没发生的事情过分期待,也不要对没有发生的事情过分焦虑。 Remember this truth: don't expect too much of what hasn't happened yet, and don't worry too much about what hasn't.
九、没钱也好,省却了有钱的烦恼;单身也好,避免了恋爱的争吵。 No money, save the trouble of money; It's better to be single and avoid the arguments of a relationship. 十、人和人,短期相处看脾气,所以需忍让;长期相处看性格,相合是朋友;一生交往看德行,德行皆佳方稳妥。 People, short-term get along see temper, so need patience; Get along for a long time to see the character, the match is a friend; Associate with virtue all your life, and virtue is all good and safe.
十一、生活就是个流氓,你只有比他更流氓才能活的快乐。 Life is a rascal, you only more rascal than he can live happy. 十二、人的感情不遵循任何逻辑,过于计较的话,就是在浪费时间。 People's feelings do not follow any logic, too careful words, is a waste of time.
十三、温暖与坚强、珍惜与善良,是生活最主流的声音。 Warm and strong, cherish and kindness, is the most mainstream voice in life. 十四、喜欢谈论痛苦的,往往是不识愁滋味的少年,而饱尝人间苦难的老年贝多芬,却唱起了欢乐颂。 He who likes to talk about pain is often a young man who does not know the taste of sorrow, while old Beethoven, who has tasted all the sufferings in the world, sings a ode to Joy.
十五、如果真苦,你哪有时间喊累。如果真惨,你哪有时间觉得丢脸。因为承受得还不够,所以你才有时间抱怨。 If it's hard, you don't have time to cry tired. If you're miserable, you don't have time to feel humiliated. It's not enough, so you have time to complain. 十六、人是多么的脆弱,每一次苦难都会在我们身上留下难以磨灭的伤痕;人又是多么的坚强,只要苦难不足以致命,就能重新出发。 How fragile people are, every suffering will leave an indelible scar on our body; How strong people are, as long as the suffering is not fatal, you can start again. |
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