一、既然上了生活的贼船,那就做个快乐的海盗。 To be a jolly pirate is to be a thief of life. 二、人生没有如果,命运没有假设,不要尽力而为,而要全力以赴。 Life without if, fate without assumptions, don't try your best, but try your best. 三、有些东西,并不是越浓越好,要恰到好处。深深的话我们浅浅地说,长长的路我们慢慢地走。——毕淑敏 Some things, not the thicker the better, to be just right. Deep words we say shallow, long road we walk slowly. - bi shumin 四、属于你的永远都在,不是你的,别争别爱。生活之苦,苦于执着,人生之难,难以放下。愿所得皆所期,所失亦无碍。 What belongs to you will always be there, not yours. Don't argue with love. The pain of life, suffering from persistence, life is difficult, difficult to put down. May all gains take time and all losses be okay. 五、生活让人沉闷窒息,但只要你跑起来,就会有风。 Life is stifling, but as long as you run, there will be wind. 六、那些真正拥有一技之长、踏踏实实在一条路上努力的人,无论风口在哪里,他最终都会成为持续发光的人。 Those who really have a skill and work hard on a road, no matter where the wind blows, they will eventually become the people who continue to shine. 七、一生最重,不过饱餐与被爱;一生所求,不过温暖与良人;一生所爱,不过守护和相伴。 Life is the heaviest, but to eat and be loved; Life seek, but warm and beloved; Love of life, but guard and accompany. 八、岁月极美,在于它必然的流逝。春花,秋月,夏日,冬雪。你若盛开,清风自来。 The greatest beauty of time is its inevitable passage. Spring flowers, autumn moon, summer, winter snow. If you are in full bloom, the breeze will come. 九、不开心的时候就吃颗糖,让心里甜一下,别被生活的苦压垮了。 When you are unhappy, eat a piece of candy to make your heart sweet. Don't be crushed by the bitterness of life. 十、人生低潮时,就多为自己做点事吧,读书、跑步、旅行,越是艰难的时刻,越要自己撑自己。 When times are hard, do more for yourself. Read, run, travel. The harder it is, the more you have to support yourself. 十一、不顾别人感受是自私,太顾别人感受是自虐。 To be inconsiderate of others' feelings is selfish; to be inconsiderate of others' feelings is self-abuse. 十二、在最需要奋斗的年华里,你应该爱一个能带给你动力的人,而不是能让你筋疲力竭的人。 In your most struggling years, you should love someone who motivates you, not someone who exhausts you. 十三、无论你说话多么谨慎,总有人歪曲你的意思。所以,学会不在乎。 No matter how carefully you speak, someone will always distort your meaning. So, learn not to care. 十四、越觉得自己了不起,越没有什么了不起;越明白没有什么了不起,其实越了不起。所以说,圣不自圣所以为圣,凡不自凡所以为凡。 The more you think you are great, the less you are. The more you understand that nothing is great, the more amazing it is. That is why holiness does not sanctify itself, and therefore is holiness; and everything that does not sanctify itself, therefore is everything. 十五、世界很大,幸福很小。一家人整整齐齐,健健康康,幸幸福福地在一起。就是理想中的市井生活 。 The world is big, happiness is small. The whole family is neat, healthy and happy together. It's an ideal city life. 十六、别让生活耗尽了你的耐心和向往,你还有诗和远方,排骨和汤、烤肉和馕、虾和蟹黄、火锅和麻辣烫、烤鸭和涮肥羊、咖啡和焦糖、饼干和牛奶棒、炸鸡和大酱汤、榴莲酥和虾饺皇、杏仁豆腐和棒棒糖、椒麻鸡和辣鸭肠。 Don't let life drain you of patience and longing, you have poetry and distance, ribs and soup, barbecue and naan, shrimp and crab roe, hot pot and malatang, roast duck and boiled fat sheep, coffee and caramel, biscuits and milk stick, Fried chicken and miso soup, durian crisp and shrimp dumpling Huang, almond bean curd and lollipop, chili ma chicken and spicy duck intestines. |
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