一、生活是自己的,尽情打扮,尽情可爱。 Life is your own, dress up and be lovable. 二、破车才有备胎,闲人才钓鱼,廉价百搭的才会感情不断,真正优秀的人只会一直好好爱一个人。 A broken car has a spare tire, idle talent fishing, cheap and versatile will be constantly feeling, the really good people will only have been a good love of a person.
三、猜忌,让所有关心都变成别有用心。 Suspicion, let all care into ulterior motives. 四、从小到大我们听到最多的是,你要懂事、你要有出息、你要出人头地,可却很少听到,你要开心。 From small to big we hear most is, you want to be sensible, you want to have a career, you want to be somebody, but rarely heard, you want to be happy.
五、一切的矫情和抱怨,咆哮和压抑,都是源于很缺钱和很缺爱。 All melodramatic and whining, growling, and depression, all stem from a lack of money and a lack of love. 六、这短短的一生,我们最终都会失去。你不妨大胆一些,爱一个人,攀一座山,追一个梦。 This short life, we will eventually lose. You might as well be bold, love a person, climb a mountain, chase a dream.
七、爱你的人,已星夜兼程,走在来路。 The one who loves you has been walking on the road of arrival. 八、小黄人没有肩膀照样穿背带裤,没耳朵照样戴眼镜啊,别老埋怨你的世界缺点什么。 Minions wear overalls without shoulders and glasses without ears. Don't always complain about the shortcomings of your world.
九、你复杂的五官也掩饰不了你朴素的智商。 Your complex features cannot disguise your simple intelligence. 十、有些人比较幸运,想念一个人可以直接打电话;有些人比较不幸,想念一个人只能转换成听歌、喝酒,走夜路。 Some people are more lucky, miss a person can call directly; Some people are more unfortunate, miss a person can only convert to listen to music, drink, walk in the night.
十一、不要以为灰姑娘的故事有多好,如果水晶鞋真的合脚,当初就不会掉。 Don't think Cinderella story how good, if the glass slipper really fit, at the beginning will not fall off. 十二、长大成人这件事最恐怖的地方之一在于,你或许会变成自己曾经最看不起的那种人。 One of the scariest things about growing up is that you may turn out to be the person you once despised.
十三、不介意颠沛,远胜过傀儡,不介意孤独,远胜过庸俗。 Don't mind Tianpei, far more than puppet, don't mind loneliness, far more than vulgar. 十四、你还年轻并且浪漫多情,可以为钱、为脸、为身材烦恼,但不要为感情折腰。 You are young and romantic. You can worry about money, face and figure, but don't give in to emotion.
十五、把闲言碎语留给市井小人,你只管优雅从容心怀远方。 Leave gossip to the vulgar herd, and be gracious and ready for the distance. 十六、自己喜欢的东西,就不要问别人好不好看。喜欢胜过所有道理,原则抵不过我乐意! If you like something, don't ask others if it looks good. Like is better than all reason, principle is equal to but I am willing!
十七、爱你的人不会因为你的冷落而离开,要走的人不会因为你的挽留而停步。 The one who loves you will not leave because of your neglect, and the one who wants to go will not stop because of your stay. 十八、生活,是自己赚出来的,别人的打赏,你最好不要太期待。讨来了几分物质,就要抹杀几分灵魂。 Life is earned, other people's reward, you had better not expect too much. If you have got some substance, you must kill some soul.
十九、你对人情世故的每一分通透,对爱来爱去的每一分豁达,都是用失望换来的。 You to the world of every point transparent, to love to love each point open-minded, are in return with disappointment. 二十、人应该趁着年轻,和志同道合的人一起,制造些比夏天还温暖的事,比春天还有生机的事。 People should take advantage of the young, and like-minded people together, make something warmer than summer, than spring is still alive. |
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