我想你一定很忙,所以只看前三个字就好。I think you must be very busy, so just look at the first three words.下面是小编为大家整理的对男朋友说的情话简短英文句子,希望大家喜欢! 1、南方有嘉木,北方有相思,嘉木风可催,相思不可断。 There are Jiamu in the South and Acacia in the north. Jiamu wind can urge and Acacia can't be broken. 2、如果你的选择是地狱尽头,让我陪你一起堕落。 If your choice is the end of hell, let me go down with you. 3、谢谢,在我最孤独的时候有你陪伴真好。 Thank you. It's nice to have you with me when I'm lonely. 4、我愿意用一千万年,等待你初春暖阳般的绽颜一笑。 I would like to use 10 million years, waiting for you to smile like a warm spring. 5、花落一地,散落成歌,心碎千片,飘落成雨。 Flowers fall to the ground, scattered into songs, broken hearts, falling into rain. 6、我想,我们的友情走到了尽头。那么,做我女朋友吧。 I think our friendship has come to an end. Well, be my girlfriend. 7、你给我的感觉是,走了很远的路,终于到家了。 You give me the feeling that after a long walk, I finally get home. 8、人间纵有百媚千红,唯独你是情之所钟。 Even if there are hundreds of beauties and thousands of red in the world, only you are the center of love. 9、你眼中倒映的星河烂漫,是我不曾见过的世外梦幻。 The starry River reflected in your eyes is a dream I have never seen. 10、你的目光再温柔一点,月亮会融化,我也会。 If your eyes are more gentle, the moon will melt, so will I. 11、承蒙你的出现,让我又骄傲了好多年。 Thanks for your presence, I have been proud for many years. 12、世界上最温暖的两个字,是从你口中说出的晚安。 The two warmest words in the world are goodnight from your mouth. 13、除了闹你之外,其他时候我不会让你哭的。 I won't make you cry except for making you cry. 14、请原谅我太贪心,陪你情窦初开,还想陪你两鬓斑白。 Please forgive me for being greedy. I want to accompany you with gray temples. 15、躲过与你生活的痕迹,躲不过酒后与你的回忆。 Avoid the traces of your life, but not the memories after drinking. |
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