你若愿,我便丢弃繁华,随你浪迹天涯。If you wish, I will abandon the prosperity and roam the world with you.下面是小编为大家整理的最甜最暖心的情话英文句子,希望大家喜欢! 1、就算再丑也要谈恋爱,谈到世界充满爱。 Even if you are ugly, you have to fall in love. When it comes to the world full of love. 2、最幸福的事,就是在喜欢你的每一天里,被你喜欢。 The happiest thing is to be loved by you every day. 3、在我世间里漫天的星辰,你是最耀眼的那颗。 You are the most dazzling star in my world. 4、爱你没有时间限制,一年三百六十五天。 Love you no time limit, 365 days a year. 5、我从来都不骗人,如果我骗你了,那也骗的是仙女。 I never cheat people. If I cheat you, it's fairies. 6、你别难过,风筝有风,海豚有海,你还有我。 Don't be sad, the kite has the wind, the dolphin has the sea, you and I. 7、你是我这一生,只会遇见一次的惊喜。 You are my only one surprise in my life. 8、有了我你是否什么都不缺,心再野也知道该拒绝。 With me, do you want anything? No matter how wild your heart is, you should refuse. 9、在看得见你的地方,我的眼睛和你在一起。 Where I can see you, my eyes are with you. 10、我宁愿你骂我,也不愿意你难过,你难过我会更担心。 I'd rather you scold me than be sad. I'll worry more if you are sad. 11、做我的公主殿下吧,九州山河,我只护你一人。 To be my royal highness, Kyushu, I only protect you. 12、一生很长要和最爱的人在一起,比如你。 It's a long life to be with someone you love most, like you. 13、自从你出现后,我才知道原来有人爱是那么的美好。 Since you appeared, I know that it is so beautiful to have someone love. 14、有一种浓情蜜意,如人间的汤圆,把爱圆满。 There is a kind of deep love, such as Tangyuan in the world, which makes love complete. 15、做事情只有3分钟热度的我,却坚持喜欢你了很久很久。 Do things only 3 minutes of heat, but I insist on like you for a long time. |
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