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Whatever misses, passers-by will leave. What fate is unfair is that laziness makes you incompetent. Rain falls because the sky can not bear its weight, tears fall because the heart can no longer bear the pain.



the older you get, the more you will find all kinds of social problems. Therefore, it's never wrong to grasp a survival skill and seriously develop a hobby of solitude. Although there are many things we can't control in reality, we should learn to accept them calmly, accepting every accident, accepting every unexpected encounter.点击



the most beautiful encounter, do not talk about the past; the best parting, do not ask the return date. If it rains, I'll give you an umbrella; if I don't like me, I'll find you a new lover; you'll be happy first, and I'll talk about it later. Take advantage of the young to bear hardships, to struggle, and so on old age, the memory is full of pride, which others can not give you.


the heart is the biggest cheater. When someone deceives you for a while, it deceives you for a lifetime. Heart tired, is often hovering between persistence and abandonment, uncertain. Trouble, is that memory is too good, should remember, should not remember will remain in memory.


whether a woman loves herself or not depends on whether she is willing to please herself. It's hard for a person who doesn't know how to please himself to have charm. Those who like you want your present; those who love you will give you the future. And the person who can be with you for a lifetime is: Understand your past, embrace your present, and create a common future together.



Don't panic if you don't marry. Don't be busy if you want to marry. Manage yourself well, cherish the time in front of you, do filial piety in time, everything will come. There is only one kind of success in the world: to live your life in the way you like. Peaceful love is like a beach without waves. All I want is to be by your side.


When others are sleeping, we are running; when others are complaining, we are changing; when others are hesitating, we are continuing; when others are watching, we are on the road…… They chose to be us in a few years, and we chose to create new miracles in a few years.



The trajectory of life does not necessarily run in the way you like. There are things you can dislike but have to do; there are people you can dislike but have to deal with. When you encounter things you don't like but can't change, the only thing you can do is to be patient. After the loneliness of the night, the day will be bright; after the cold of winter, spring will come. Practicing endurance without alarm, no matter how difficult the years are, they are just clouds.

十、 人生是一盘棋,子已落定就不能反悔。你若能保持一颗平常心,按本色做人,按角色办事,按特色定位,不以失为忧,不以得为喜,人生就可时时安乐。安守一颗平常心,人生才能笑看风云。

Life is a chess game. Once a child is settled, he can't repent. If you can maintain an ordinary mind, act according to your nature, act according to your role, and orientate yourself according to your characteristics, you can live happily at all times without worrying about your losses or rejoicing in your gains. Keep an ordinary heart, life can laugh at the wind and clouds.



I can cry, laugh, persevere, but I can't get rid of my weakness. People are happy because they are simple. Maybe you can understand this for a long time. As long as there is a moment in your life, when you devote yourself to loving someone, that moment is eternity. There is a way in your life, a person and you support each other, together withstand the wind and rain, then that section is better than life.



he did not mention that I love you, but you are all I want, he is only ambiguous addiction, but you easily go away. Some people should forget it, so-called mindfulness, in their own eyes, is love, in the eyes of the other party, is annoying, in the eyes of others is cheap.


We longed for the waves of fate, until we finally found that the most beautiful scenery in life was inner calmness and calmness; we looked forward to the recognition of the outside world, until the end, we knew that the world was our own and had nothing to do with others; we thought about the rewards paid, and finally learned that everything will be lost, only to leave a false name. Take your own way, don't choose the right way, you can have a real self.


At any time, you should be aware that other people's ideas have little to do with you, and your own ideas are the key to your life. We should never expect the salvation of others, only ourselves can sublimate ourselves. How much capacity we have prepared to attract our peers to meet us, otherwise we will not have the energy to understand and cherish the beautiful people and the touching things that will come to us, and we will pass by in the end.



Love is like this. There is no reason to say. What you want most is not what he wants. Even if you have ten million advantages, he only covets the shortcomings of another person.



Although we can't explain it, we still want to live and move, because it's human nature. If not, life will die. It is precisely because of the cause of life that you dream of eternal life. Vigorous life in you makes your dreams immortal.

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