别问我为什么那么爱你,如果我知道为什么,我就不会爱你了。 Don't ask me why I love you so much. If I knew why, I wouldn't love you. 和你在一起的时间都很耀眼,因为天气好,因为天气不好,因为天气刚刚好,每一天都很美好。 Time with you is dazzling, because the weather is good, every day is beautiful.
没经过你的同意,就把你放在心上,是我不好。可你没有我的允许,便走进了我的心里,就是你的不对了。 I am not good enough to take you to heart without your consent. But you went into my heart without my permission, you were wrong. 你问我多喜欢你,我说不出来,但我心里明白,我宁愿和你吵架,也不愿意去爱别人。 You ask me how much I like you, I can not say, but I understand that I would rather fight with you than love others.
你是我的想而不能,爱而不得,是我的可遇不可求,可求不可留,是我年复一年藏在枕下的春秋大梦。 You are my thoughts and not, love but not, is my encounter can not be asked, can not stay, I hide year after year under the pillow of the Spring and Autumn dream. 大概最幸福的事就是,我以为的一厢情愿,是我们的两情相悦吧。 Perhaps the happiest thing is, I think wishful thinking, is our mutual affection.
爱一个不爱你的人就像抱着一盆仙人掌扎的自己遍体鳞伤。 To love a person who doesn't love you is like holding a cactus in his arms. 谁都可以可以无止境的对一个人好,但前提是值得。 Anyone can always be nice to one person, but only if it's worth it. |
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