一、Sometimes it is the very people who no one imagines anything of , who do the things that no one can imagine.有时候,正是那些人们认为的无用之人,成就了无人所成之事。
二、Don't be afraid of your passion.Just give it free reign, and be honest and work hard, and it will all turn out just fine.不要回避你的情感,挥洒你的激情,再拥有真诚和勤奋,该来的自然会来。 三、But usually the,love isn't enough,it doesn't carry you through.但事实上,爱不是万能的,它无法克服一切困难。
四、No matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself.无论你去哪里,你总是会遇见你自己。 五、It’s better to look at the sky than live there. 天空更适合仰望,而不是居住。
六、The dog equally study, the gentleman equally plays. (gǒu)一样地学,绅士一样地玩。 七、A gentleman's name should appear in the newspaper only three times: when he’s born, when he marries and when he dies. And we are, first and foremost, gentleman.一个绅士的名字一生中只应在报纸上出现三次:出生时,结婚时和去世时。而我们,首当其要的是,要做一名绅士。
八、The suit is the modern gentleman's armour。西装是现代绅士的盔甲。 九、A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.当真理还正在穿鞋的时候,谎言就能走遍半个世界。
十、Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”每当你发现自己和大多数人站在一边,你就该停下来反思一下。 十一、The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.生命中最值得珍惜的就是彼此。 十二、Not what I miss, but I can not go back the past. 我怀念的不是哪个人,而是我那回不去的曾经。
十三、When everything is easy one quickly gets stupid.当每件事都是容易的时候,一个人很快的就会变的愚蠢。 十四、Il est quelquefois préférable de ne pas savoir ce qu'on dit que de dire ce qu'on ne sait pas. 有时候最好不知道别人说什么,反而胜过说别人不知道的。 |
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