一、生活有一点我不是太喜欢,就是它总让更懂事的人来承担糟糕的感受和结果。 One of the things I don't like about life is that it always leaves the bad feelings and results to the better people. 二、一直认为,所谓新鲜感,不是和未知的人一起去做同样的事情,而是和已知的人一起去体验未知的人生。 I always believe that the so-called freshness is not to do the same thing with unknown people, but to experience the unknown life with known people. 三、这个世界很小,小到一闭眼就能见到你,这个世界很大,大到一睁眼就看不到你。 The world is so small that I can see you when I close my eyes. The world is so big that I can't see you when I open my eyes.
四、生活一定是把压轴的好运留给了你,现在才会让你经历这么糟糕的日子。 Life must have given you the final piece of good fortune to make you go through such a bad day. 五、人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人却未必能陪你走到散场。 Life is like a dance, the person who taught you the first steps may not be able to accompany you to the end. 六、你会不断的遇见一些人,也会不停地和一些人说再见,从陌生到熟悉,从熟悉再回陌生,从臭味相投到分道扬镳,从相见恨晚到不如不见。 You will continue to meet some people, and will keep saying goodbye to some people, from strange to familiar, from familiar to strange again, from the same smell to go their separate ways, from meeting each other late as not to see.
七、好好赚钱才是最重要的,爱情没来的时候一定要先谋生,后谋爱,生谋得优了,爱自然而然就来了。 The most important thing is to make money well. When love does not come, we must make a living first, and then seek love. 八、亲爱的自己,永远不要为难自己,比如不吃饭,哭泣,自闭,抑郁,这些都是傻瓜才做的事。 Dear yourself, never give yourself a hard time, such as not eating, crying, autism, depression, these are fools to do. 九、得不到回应的喜欢,你要懂得适可而止,当别人不需要你的时候,你要学会自己走开,多一点自知之明,少一点自作多情。 Don't get a response to the like, you have to know enough is enough, when others do not need you, you have to learn to walk away, more self-knowledge, less self-love.
十、世上有很多美好的事物等着你,所以你要内心温柔,安静努力。 There are many beautiful things in the world waiting for you, so you have to be gentle, quiet and hard. 十一、成年人的崩溃,往往以一句“没事”结尾,因为他们知道,自己的残局只能自己收拾。 Adult breakdowns often end with a "nothing" because they know they have to clean up after themselves. 十二、想得太多会毁了你。若无其事,才是最好的态度。何必向不值得的人证明什么,生活得更好,是为了自己。 Thinking too much will ruin you. Acting as if nothing has happened is the best attitude. Why to the unworthy people to prove what, life is better, is for their own sake.
十三、念念不忘必有回响是假的,枕边书、怀中猫、意中人也是假的,爱而不得,山海不可平才是真的。 There will be echoes is false, pillow book, cat, love is false, love but not, not flat is true. 十四、愿好坏你能拎得清,是人是狗你能分清,可以敏感但别矫情,没有任何事儿值得你困顿一生。 May you know the good from the bad, the dog from the human, be sensitive but don't melodramatic, nothing is worth your life. 十五、当你的善良遭人非议的时候,记得告诉自己,你的善良只对自己的良心负责,不必在意别人如何说三道四。 When your goodness is being criticized, remember to tell yourself that your goodness is only responsible for your own conscience, and don't care what others say.
十六、让你失望的人,怎么可能只让你失望一次,别再心存侥幸了。拥有的都是幸运,失去的都是人生。 People who let you down, how can they let you down only once, don't take any chances. Have is lucky, lost is life. 十七、人世间的感情不过两种:一种相濡以沫却厌倦到老,一种相忘江湖却怀念到哭。 There are two kinds of feelings in the world: one is tired of each other to the old, and the other is nostalgic to cry. 十八、我劝大家千万别和前任和好,因为就算和好了还是会分手,毕竟让你失望过的人,怎么可能,只让你失望一次! I advise you never to make up with your ex, because even if you make up or will break up, after all, let you disappointed people, how possible, only let you down once!
十九、我不想争,不想抢,我只是习惯顺其自然,我坚信,是我的不会走,不是我的强求不来。 I don't want to fight, don't want to grab, I just used to let nature take its course, I firmly believe, is my will not go, not my demand can not come. 二十、不够优秀,才会那么依赖其他人;不够成熟,才会信任所有耀眼的外衣;不够强大,才会浪费时光去迎合他们的玩闹。 Not good enough, will be so dependent on others; Not mature, will trust all the dazzling coat; Not strong enough, will waste time to cater to their playfulness. 二十一、不属于我的雨伞,我宁愿淋雨走路,不属于我的心,我不会挽留,不属于我的东西,我不会要,不是真心给我的东西,我不稀罕。 Does not belong to my umbrella, I would rather walk through the rain, does not belong to my heart, I will not retain, does not belong to my things, I will not want, not really give me things, I do not want.
二十二、有心在一起的人,再大的吵闹也会各自找台阶,速度重归于好;离心的人,再小的一次别扭,也会乘机借口溜掉。 Have the heart to be together with the people, and then the big noise will find their own steps, speed to make up; Centrifugal people, then a small cross, will also take the opportunity to excuse away. 二十三、很多人暗地里都对我有非议,说我圆滑,说我世故,可是我只知道一件事,如果我自己不保护自己,这个世界上就没有人会保护我。 Many people accuse me of being tactful and sophisticated, but I know one thing. If I don't protect myself, no one in the world will. 二十四、最让你无奈的,是在经历了那么多痛苦,犯过那么多错误之后,你还没变成你所说得更好的自己。 The most frustrating thing for you is that after all the pain and mistakes you've made, you haven't become the better person you say you are. |
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