转败为胜造句写一句话简单的 (1)、玦哥,你最后是怎么转败为胜的? (2)、转忧为喜好心情,转败为胜好事业,转危为安好运道,转灾为福好生活!9反转日,愿你时来运转,好运连连,事事吉祥,顺心如愿! (3)、所以在关键时刻,能够得到农夫们的拼死报答,转败为胜。 (4)、学生领悟越王勾践之所以能转败为胜,是因为他具备了败不馁,忍辱负重,卧薪尝胆,立志图强的精神。 (5)、梁晓声以其人之道,还治其人之身,最终转败为胜了。 (6)、然后鼠人就会利用佛家的慈悲,乘机再行发难,以如此之法转败为胜,实乃鼠系文明一大幸事。 (7)、转败为功的近义词有转败为胜、转败为成。 (8)、我明白了,伯父,我不会怨天尤人的,一切都是最好的安排,上天给了我一盘残局,我就要走好每一步,收拾残局,转败为胜。 (9)、这个队落后了,但在最后时刻塞姆底线得分转败为胜. (10)、老爷子看到孙伯符转败为胜,眼眉都乐开花了,对花员外裳随着他的大笑,一紧一松,很可能下次就“啪”。 (11)、曹操但知其二,吴或蜀的追兵必袭南郡,而且预留锦囊妙计,以期转败为胜。 (12)、如勾践以西施重宝取悦夫差,乃可转败为胜。 (13)、如果,她没出现,战局瞬息万变,戚乘风如果有什么后手,扭转劣势,转败为胜也不是不可能的。 (14)、梓良终于没有辜负她的期望,一鼓作气,在紧要关头转败为胜了。 (15)、在这场篮球比赛中,我班最初连连失利,后来改变了战术,调整了攻守力量,终于转败为胜。 转败为胜造句带有中英文翻译写一段话 (1)、如勾践以西施重宝取悦夫差,乃可转败为胜。 (1) if Gou Jian please Fu Chai with Xi Shi's treasures, he can turn defeat into victory. (2)、我们不能就这样服输,卷土重来还有转败为胜的机会。 (2) we can't just admit defeat. We still have the chance to turn defeat into victory. (3)、学生领悟越王勾践之所以能转败为胜,是因为他具备了败不馁,忍辱负重,卧薪尝胆,立志图强的精神。 (3) the students realized that the reason why King Gou Jian of Yue was able to turn defeat into victory was that he had the spirit of indomitable defeat, enduring humiliation and bearing heavy burdens, and determined to be strong. (4)、尤其是他在军事失势之时祈求太姥神救助,圣姥果然托梦指导,神灵护军旅,转败为胜,从此一帆风顺,成就帝王事业,所以他“营祠而酬”。 (4) especially when he was in a military defeat, he prayed for the help of the great grandmother God. As a result, the great grandmother guided the army with a dream and turned defeat into victory. From then on, he had a smooth sailing and achieved the imperial career, so he "paid for his ancestral temple.". (5)、瑶婷见我渐渐转败为胜,神色稍解悦颜在面笑逐颜开。 (5) when Yaoting saw that I was gradually turning from defeat to victory, she looked a little relieved, and she was smiling. (6)、朕带兵多年兵凶战危的道理还是知道的,转胜为败,转败为胜的战役朕也经历过,所以朕也只是听听而已,如今某人的预言已经验证了一半,且看下一半是否准确。 (6) I still know the reason why I have led the army for many years. I have experienced the battle of turning victory into defeat, so I just listen to it. Now I have verified half of someone's prediction, let's see if the next half is accurate. (7)、老爷子看到孙伯符转败为胜,眼眉都乐开花了,对花员外裳随着他的大笑,一紧一松,很可能下次就“啪”。 (7) when the old man saw sun Bofu's turn from defeat to victory, his eyes and eyebrows were in full bloom, and he laughed at the Huayuan's outer clothes, which would probably crack next time. (8)、墨灵有些莫名其妙,他刚才实际上不是被张逸杀的愣了半天,然后张逸又将窍门教了她,这才让她转败为胜。 (8) Mo Ling is a little puzzled. He was not killed by Zhang Yi for a long time, and then Zhang Yi taught her the trick, which made her turn from defeat to victory. (9)、这个队落后了,但在最后时刻塞姆底线得分转败为胜. (9) the team is behind, but at the last moment Sam's bottom line score turns into victory (10)、幸亏当时我大胆启用他,转败为胜。 (10) fortunately, I used him boldly at that time and turned the defeat into victory. 转败为胜造句写一句话复杂的 (一)、我明白了,伯父,我不会怨天尤人的,一切都是最好的安排,上天给了我一盘残局,我就要走好每一步,收拾残局,转败为胜。 (二)、我兵败后,我退到这里,你们带兵接引,两面夹击,也许有转败为胜的希望! (三)、梁晓声以其人之道,还治其人之身,最终转败为胜了。 (四)、他经常邀请围棋高手到自己领地藏博上分别对阵,他密切注视各个棋局的进展,发现哪一方形势不利了,就亲自出马,帮助劣势的一方转败为胜。 (五)、体育比赛中,常常出现反败为胜的局面。也作“转败为胜”。 (六)、幸亏当时我大胆启用他,转败为胜。 (七)、转败为功的近义词有转败为胜、转败为成。 (八)、这次篮球联赛,红队转败为胜,势不可挡,黄队却节节败退,无力回天。 (九)、玦哥,你最后是怎么转败为胜的? (十)、此言兵法,是说兵家要善于抓住一切机会,甚至是看去无什用处的东西,努力争取主动,壮大自己,即时利用而转不利为有利,乃至转败为胜。 (十一)、百个呼吸之后,张辛气息仍然连绵不断,渐渐转败为胜。 (十二)、在这场比赛中,我班足球队起初连连失利,但后来改变了攻守战术,终于转败为胜,击败了对方。 (十三)、李林笑心中一惊,一个月不见,曹阉狗已经转败为胜,当上东厂的督主了。 (十四)、写意毫不客气地一拳挥过去,一瞬间就转败为胜,将静笙反压在地。 (十五)、朕带兵多年兵凶战危的道理还是知道的,转胜为败,转败为胜的战役朕也经历过,所以朕也只是听听而已,如今某人的预言已经验证了一半,且看下一半是否准确。 |