一、我可以接受失败,但绝对不能接受未奋斗过的自己。纵有疾风起,人生不言弃。 ——宫崎骏 I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying. In spite of the strong wind, life never gives up. -- hayao miyazaki 二、残疾人面前不说健康,婚姻不幸人面前不说幸福,工作失意人面前不说成就,人生在世,顾忌别人颜面,给自己留条后路。 the disabled do not say health, unhappy marriage in front of people do not say happiness, frustrated work in front of people do not say achievement, life, worry about others face, to leave a way back for themselves.
三、突然发现,原来虚惊一场是人世间最美好的成语。-- 韩寒 suddenly found that the original false alarm is the world's most beautiful idiom. - han han 四、你不是人民币,不可能人人喜欢你,人是活给自己看的,你所做的一切不能让每个人都满意,不要为了讨好别人而丢失自己。 You are not RMB, it is impossible for everyone to like you, people are living for themselves, what you do can not make everyone satisfied, do not lose yourself in order to please others.
五、不要把别人想得太坏,也不要把别人想得太好,都是凡人。 don't think of others too bad, don't think of others too good, are mortal. 六、你无法阻止任何人对你作出差的评价,而你,要给予自己多一点点的温情。 You can't stop anyone from judging you badly, and you have to give yourself a little more affection.
七、修得豆腐嘴,藏得刀子心。自嘲是最高境界,而不是嘲笑别人。 repair tofu mouth, hide the knife heart. It is the highest state to laugh at yourself, not at others. 八、真正的爱情,要懂得珍惜:没有谁和谁是天生就注定在一起的。一辈子其实不长。能遇心爱的人,是多么幸运的事。 Real love, to know how to cherish: no one and who is born to be together. A lifetime is not long. How lucky you are to meet the one you love.
九、先努力让自己发光,对的人才能迎着光而来。 first efforts to let their own light, the right person can face the light and come. 十、别抱怨,抱怨就是无能;别依赖,没有免费的肩膀;别退缩,落井下石的人很多;别气馁,气馁就是否定自己;别低头,地上没有黄金只有垃圾。 Don't complain, complaining is incompetent; Don't rely, there is no free shoulder; Don't hold back, there are a lot of people who hit people when they are down; Don't get discouraged, getting discouraged is denying yourself; Don't bow your head, there is no gold on the ground only garbage.
十一、我们一生只需要去做三件事:一、知道如何去选择二、明白如何去坚持三、懂得如何去珍惜。 We only need to do three things in life: one, know how to choose two, know how to insist three, know how to cherish. 十二、凡尘荣辱,其实只是一场戏。一个修行者要有足够的禅定,才可以走出人生逼仄的路径,看云林绿野,落雁平沙。 in fact, is only a play. Only when a practitioner has enough meditation can he walk out of the narrow path of life, look at the clouds, forests and green fields, and drop wild geese to smooth the sand.
十三、你不用对每个过客负责,也不用对每个路人说教。—— 韩寒 《后会无期》 You don't have to be responsible for every traveler, you don't have to preach to every passerby. -- The Continent by Han Han 十四、有事情是要说出来的,不要等着对方去领悟,因为对方不是你,不知道你想要什么,等到最后只能是伤心和失望,尤其是感情。 something is to say, don't wait for the other side to understand, because the other side is not you, do not know what you want, until the end can only be sad and disappointed, especially the feelings.
十五、生活要懂得顺水而下,宁可输事与人,不必执拗于心。正确地选择与取舍,人一生必修的功课,要读懂真实的自己,驾驭好自己的人生,别让心迷了路。 life to know how to go with the flow, would rather lose things and people, not stubborn in the heart. Correct choice and choice, a person's life compulsory course, to understand the real yourself, control their own life, don't let the heart lost. 十六、这个世界很浮华,不要走得太快,有时候需要停一停,静一静,想一想,沉淀思绪后,重新出发,你一定要相信,没有到不了的明天! the world is very flashy, don't go too fast, sometimes need to stop, be quiet, think about, precipitation thoughts, start again, you must believe that there is no tomorrow! |
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