一、外界评价不重要,默默前行最可贵。 the external evaluation is not important, silently forward the most valuable. 二、就这一生, 可以快乐就不要难过。就这一生, 可以努力就不要堕落 。 in this life, can be happy, don't be sad. In this life, you can try not to fall.
三、别总是来日方长,这世上挥手之间的都是人走茶凉! don't always have a long day, the world between waving are people walk tea cool! 四、即使生活有一千个理由让你哭,你也要找到一个理由让自己笑,一个人就一辈子,何必为难自己?
Even if life has a thousand reasons to make you cry,
you have to find a reason to make yourself smile,
a person for a lifetime,
why bother yourself?
五、深山的鹿,不知归处,万般皆苦,只可自渡。 the deer in the mountains, do not know where to go, all kinds of suffering, can only cross. 六、把日子过成有趣的最大奖赏,就是会越来越懂得,对无趣之事 ,不屑一顾。 the day into the greatest reward of fun, is to know more and more, to the boring things, not at all.
七、知世故而不世故,处江湖而远江湖。人情冷暖已看透,赤子之心永不丢。世事洞穿,天真不泯。 know the world but not the world, in rivers and lakes and far rivers and lakes. Human warmth has seen through, pure heart never lose. There is no such thing as innocence without experience. 八、控制好自己的心情,生活才会处处祥和。心情,虽不是人生的全部,却能左右人生的全部。 control their own mood, life will be everywhere peaceful. The mood, though not all of life, but can control all of life.
九、如果不能在一起,就不要给对方任何希望任何暗示,这才是最大的担当。分开了,不去打搅让对方安然生活,这才是最后的温柔。 if not together, do not give each other any hope of any hint, this is the greatest responsibility. Separate, do not bother to let each other live peacefully, this is the last gentle. 十、爱一个人最好的方式,是经营好自己,给对方一个优质的爱人。不是拼命对一个人好,那人就会拼命爱你。俗世的感情难免有现实的一面:你有价值,你的付出才有人重视。 the best way to love a person, is to manage their own, give each other a quality lover. Not desperately good to a person, that person will love you desperately. There is a practical side to earthly relationships: you are valuable, and your efforts are valued.
十一、身材不好就去锻炼,没钱就努力去赚。别把、窘境迁怒于别人,唯一可以抱怨的,只是不够努力的自己。 the figure is not good to exercise, no money to work hard to earn. Don't blame others for your predicament. The only thing you can complain about is not working hard enough. 十二、去经历,然后去后悔,去做你想做的,去选你爱的,而不是别人眼里正确的,你的一辈子应该为自己而活。 To experience, and then to regret, to do what you want to do, to choose what you love, rather than what is right in the eyes of others, you should live your life for yourself.
十三、正因为不能称心如意,人世才有意思。——村上春树 It is because not satisfied that the world is interesting. -- Haruki Murakami 十四、什么事都要先在自身找原因,不要总是苟求他人。鞋子脏了,是因为你走的路不干净。 Anything to find reasons in their own first, do not always seek others. Shoes are dirty because the road you walk on is not clean.
十五、偶尔对自己好些,偷个小懒,抽点小疯,不算伤天害理。 Occasionally better to yourself, steal a little lazy, a little crazy, not to hurt god. 十六、丧太简单了, 顶着一切依旧热爱生活才是真的酷,祝我们都能在鸡零狗碎的生活里找到自己的快乐。 loss is too simple, with everything is still love life is really cool, I wish we can find their own happiness in the life of the odds and ends. |
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