一、世间万物皆有情,难得最是心从容。—— 汪曾祺 all things in the world have feelings, rare is the heart calmly. - wang zeng-qi 二、人生不如意之事十之八九,常想一二,不思八九,事事如意。——林清玄 life is not the best things in nine out of ten, often think one or two, do not think eight or nine, everything. - Lin
三、请记住,永远不要因为新鲜感,扔掉一直陪伴你的人。 please remember, never because of the freshness, throw away the people who always accompany you. 四、成熟就是,你不理我,我也不会多说,你讽刺我,我就一笑而过,你若爱我,我便爱你更多。 mature is, you ignore me, I will not say more, you satirize me, I will smile, if you love me, I will love you more.
五、时间是个无赖,总喜欢毁掉期待。 Time is a scoundrel, always like to ruin expectations. 六、人到一定岁数,得学会自己撑伞躲雨,再也不会有人冒着大雨来接你了 。 people to a certain age, have to learn to shelter from the rain umbrella, no one will braving the rain to pick you up.
七、年轻的时候,不让自己去历经繁华,你就亏欠了自己。年纪大了不让自己恢复到简单,你就可能亏欠生命。 When you are young, if you don't let yourself go through prosperity, you owe yourself. If you do not allow yourself to recover to simplicity in old age, you may owe life. 八、没有经济上的独立,就缺少自尊;没有思考上的独立,就缺少自主;没有人格上的独立,就缺少自信。 No economic independence, lack of self-esteem; There is no independence in thinking, there is no autonomy; Without independence of personality, there is a lack of self-confidence.
九、人生最幸福的事,就是有一个人暖暖的住在心底。 The happiest thing in life is that there is a person living in the bottom of my heart. 十、你来人间一趟,你要看看太阳,和你的心上人,一起走在街上。 you come to the world, you want to see the sun, and your sweetheart, walk on the street together.
十一、电影里所有遗憾和错过,都会有一个解释一个结局,但是生活里没有 。 the movie all regret and miss, there will be an explanation of an ending, but there is no life. 十二、当你学会拒绝别人,学会以牙还牙时,他们反而会尊重你,甚至敬畏你,我终于相信了那句话,无情一点并没有错。 when you learn to refuse others, learn to tit for tat, they will respect you, even fear you, I finally believe that sentence, ruthless is not wrong.
十三、人生路上,我们都是孤独的行者,如人饮水冷暖自知,真正能帮你的,永远只有你自己。 On the road of life, we are all lonely travelers, such as people know when drinking water, can really help you, always only you. 十四、生活告诉我们,这个世界从来不存在完美的人和事,过于完美的感情,只发生在童话和想象中,现实的常态,除了平淡,就是千疮百孔与劫后重生。 life tells us, this world never exist perfect people and things, too perfect feelings, only in fairy tales and imagination, the reality of the normal, in addition to plain, is full of holes and rebirth.
十五、能看穿你三方面的人值得信任:你笑容背后的悲伤,你怒火里掩藏的善意,你沉默之下的原因。 Trust a person who can see through three things about you: the sadness behind your smile, the good in your anger, and the reason behind your silence. 十六、饿了吃东西,困了去睡觉,伤了看医生,痛了你忍着,路途自己走,眼泪自己擦,请不要到处宣扬,因为没人心疼你。 hungry to eat, tired to sleep, hurt to see a doctor, the pain you endure, the journey of their own way, their tears wipe, please don't spread, because no one loves you. |
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