一、储存阳光,必有远芳,心中有暖,又何惧人生荒凉。 store the sun, there will be far fang, the heart is warm, and not afraid of life desolate. 二、活在人间,要有三分温暖,两分凉薄,四分漫不经心,最后一分,随心所欲。 live in the world, to have three points warm, two points cool thin, four points carelessly, the last point, follow one's inclinations.
三、得不到回报的付出,要懂得适可而止,否则,打扰了别人,伤了自己。 not in return to pay, to know enough, otherwise, disturb others, hurt themselves. 四、长大以后的生活就是这样:既不让你高兴得过分,也不让你失望的彻底。 grow up after life is like this: neither let you too happy, also don't let you down completely.
五、善良和爱都是免费的,但不是廉价的,你的善良,需要带点锋芒,你的爱,需要带些理智。 Kindness and love are free, but not cheap, your kindness, need to bring a bit of edge, your love, need to bring some sense. 六、看人,不要只用眼睛,容易看走眼,更不要用耳朵去听,可能是谎言,要用时间,用心去感受,真的假不了,假的也真不了。 look at people, not only the eyes, easy to see the wrong eye, not to use the ears to hear, may be a lie, to use time, heart to feel, really not false, false also really not.
七、希望好心情每天照常营业,烦心事永久打烊。 Hope good mood every day business as usual, worry permanently closed. 八、做有用的事,说勇敢的话,想美好的事,睡安稳的觉,把时间用在进步上,而不是抱怨上。愿你遇到这样的人,愿你成为这样的人。 Do what is useful, say what is brave, think of what is beautiful, sleep soundly, spend your time making progress, not complaining. May you meet such a person and may you become such a person.
九、生命中有许多你不想做却必须的事,这就是责任。生命中有许多你想做却不能做的事,这就是命运。 There are many things in life that you don't want to do, but you have to do. This is responsibility. There are many things in life that you want to do but can't do. That's destiny. 十、在这个世界上别太依赖任何人,因为当你在黑暗中挣扎的时候,连你的影子也会离开你。 Don't depend too much on anyone in this world, because when you struggle in the dark, even your shadow will leave you.
十一、反正明天早上照样会醒来,这才是活着的重要动力,没有什么是真正跨不过去的,除了死亡。 Anyway, tomorrow morning will wake up, this is the important power of living, nothing is really can not cross the past, in addition to death. 十二、真爱就像鬼,听说的人多,遇上的人少,在这个世上,唯一不会背叛你的,只有自己的父母和口袋里的钱。 true love is like a ghost, heard of more people, met few people, in this world, the only will not betray you, only their parents and the money in the pocket.
十三、幸福没有标准答案,自己喜欢的日子,就是最美的日子,适合自己的活法,就是最好的活法。 There is no standard answer to happiness, oneself like the day, is the most beautiful day, suitable for their own way of life, is the best way of life. 十四、等你到了一个阶段,有自己的事情做,有自己向往的地方,不依附任何人成全生命的意义,你谁都可以失去。 Fourteen, when you reach a stage, have their own things to do, have their own yearning place, do not rely on anyone to complete the meaning of life, you who can lose.
十五、认真的生活,温柔的去爱,慢慢的与这个世界和谐相处,在自己的世界里闪闪发光。 serious life, gentle to love, and slowly get along with the world, in their own world sparkles. 十六、时间会告诉我们,简单的喜欢最长远,平凡中的陪伴最心安,懂你的人最温暖。 time will tell us, simple like the most long-term, ordinary company is the most peaceful, know you the most warm people.
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