一、当你笑容绽开,这世界便填满了色彩。 When your smile breaks, the world is filled with color. 二、努力的意义就是:以后的日子里,放眼望去,全都是自己喜欢的东西。 the significance of efforts is: in the days to come, looking ahead, are all their favorite things.
三、不着急结婚, 先长大 、先独立、先有担当、 先有自由和眼光、再选择一个心爱的人,尽量构筑一个快活的家。 not in a hurry to get married, first grow up, first independent, first have responsibility, first have freedom and vision, then choose a beloved person, as far as possible to build a happy home. 四、保护自己最佳的方式,就是从不高估自己在别人心中的分量。有些失望是不可避免的,但大部分的失望,都因为你高估了自己。 The best way to protect yourself is never to overestimate what you mean to others. Some disappointments are inevitable, but most of them are the result of overestimating yourself.
五、先学会不生气,再学会气死人。 Learn not to be angry, then learn to be angry. 六、美就是发自内心地觉得自己好。从不会看轻自己,也懒得羡慕别人。 Beauty is feeling good from the bottom of your heart. Never look down on yourself, also lazy envy others.
七、期待生活有惊喜,盼望事事有回应。 looking forward to life surprises, looking forward to everything has a response. 八、做人的四个准则:生活中不刻意伪装,爱情里不过度依赖,倾听时不着急辩解,说话时不有意冒犯 。 the four principles of life: life is not deliberately disguised, love is not overly dependent, listen to do not rush to explain, do not mean to offend when speaking.
九、无论你在哪个年龄段,我想我们都应该学会对身边的人温柔一些,至少说出来的话不要给别人添堵,因为你可能不知道,语言真的有一种神奇的力量,它会让你爱的人爱你,也会让爱你的人决定离开你。 no matter what age you are in, I think we should learn to be gentle to the people around us, at least say out of the words do not give others, because you may not know, language really has a magical power, it will make you love the people love you, will also let the people who love you decide to leave you. 十、人在低谷时,不要打扰任何人,做一个沉默不语的哑巴,熬过了这段时间,谁给的糖都不要了。 people in the valley, do not disturb anyone, do a silent mute, through this period of time, who give the sugar do not want.
十一、人生建议:不要为任何没有兑现的承诺而提前开心。 Life advice: Don't be happy in advance with any promise you haven't kept. 十二、以后你就会知道,生活中真的没有几件事情,是值得我们搭上礼貌, 教养, 人品和格局的。 After you will know, there are really few things in life, is worthy of our good manners, upbringing, character and pattern.
十三、时间会告诉你,一些人对你的拒绝,其实是一种成全。 Time will tell you, some people to your rejection, in fact, is a kind of fulfill. 十四、人心都是相对的,以真换真;感情都是相互的,用心暖心。 The heart is relative, to the true for the true; Feelings are mutual, heart warm heart.
十五、清醒、独立、克制,自由而不放纵,要做到。 Sober, independent, restrained, free and not indulgent, to achieve. 十六、个世界根本不存在“不会做”、“不能做”,只有“不想做”和“不敢做”,当你失去所有依靠的时候,你自然就什么都会了。 the world does not exist “can't do”, “can't do”, only “don't want to do” and “dare not to do”, when you lose all rely on, you naturally what will.
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