一、电视都是:给你100万,离开我女儿。现实都是:给我们100万,否则离开我女儿。 Television is all: Here's a million, leave my daughter. The reality is: give us $一、 million or leave my daughter. 二、这个世界已经有很多人和事会让你失望,而最不应该的,就是自己还令自己失望。请记住,社会很残酷,你要活得有温度! There are plenty of people and things in this world that will let you down, and the last thing you should do is let yourself down. Please remember, society is cruel, you have to live in temperature!
三、余生没那么长,不用一味的付出,去惯得寸进尺的人,请忠于自己,活得像最初的模样。 The rest of my life is not so long, do not blindly pay, to habituate to indomitive people, please be loyal to yourself, live like the first appearance. 四、从马尾到卷发,从衬衫到长裙,从帆布到高跟,从素颜到淡妆,从青涩到成熟,青春也就这么长。 From ponytail to curly hair, from shirt to long skirt, from canvas to high heels, from without makeup to light makeup, from green to mature, youth is only so long.
五、世界上最让人底气十足的,不是尊重与平等,而是被偏爱。 The most convincing thing in the world is not respect and equality, but being favored.
Don't be cheap yourself, don't pay at will, don't cater to others with wishful thinking, the circle is different, don't be strong!
七、人在低谷时,不要打扰任何人,做一个沉默不语的哑巴,熬过了这段时间,谁给的糖都不要了。 People in the trough, do not disturb anyone, do a silent mute, through this period of time, who give sugar do not want. 八、黑夜是孤独的调味品,无论你尝什么味道,它都比白天浓,不信你喝一杯酒,不信你想一个人。 Night is lonely condiment, no matter what you taste, it is stronger than day, do not believe you drink a cup of wine, do not believe you want to be a person.
九、我没有归属感,也很难发自肺腑地去相信一个人,但人活着,总得去相信点什么,我只好相信钱。 I have no sense of belonging, and it's hard to believe in someone from the bottom of my heart. But when you're alive, you have to believe in something. I have to believe in money. 十、希望你成为一个现实的人,现实到分明爱憎,现实到再也不取悦对自己冷漠的人,现实到再也不冷落对自己温柔的人。 I hope you become a realistic person, the reality to clear love and hate, the reality to never please the person who is indifferent to himself, the reality to never ignore the person who is gentle to himself.
十一、要独立到不依靠任何一个人,不期待除自己以外的温暖,独立到一个人能够生活得更好。 To be independent to not rely on anyone, do not expect in addition to their own warmth, independent to a person can live a better life. 十二、看不清的东西,就让它继续模糊下去吧。有些事,有些爱,有些情,有些人,看得太透彻,反而会受伤害。 What cannot be seen clearly, let it continue to blur. Some things, some love, some love, some people, see too thoroughly, but will be hurt.
十三、有些事像一只插销,死死地别在心门上。生锈了之后,里面的打不开,外面的进不去。 Some things are like a bolt, do not die on the heart door. When it rusts, the inside can't be opened and the outside can't get in. 十四、请不要说我变了,因为我没变,只不过懂得了,别人怎样对我,我就该怎样去对待别人。 Please don't say That I have changed, because I have not changed, just know, how others treat me, I will be how to treat others.
十五、不乱于心,不困于情。不畏将来,不念过往。如此,安好。 Not confused in the heart, not trapped in the situation. Never fear the future, never mind the past. So, all right. 十六、有些事,发生了就只能接受。有些人,失去了就只有放手。有些路,选择了就没得回头。人生就是这样的无奈。 Some things, happened just have to accept. Some people, lost only to let go. Some roads, choose not to go back. Life is such a helpless. |
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